

More Publications
App Development . Usablity Testing
Formative evaluation of an emergency department clinical decision support system for agitation symptoms: a study protocolLearn more
Terika McCall
Polina Ovchinnikova
App Development . Mental Health
Design of Personal Health Libraries for People Returning from Incarceration in the United StatesLearn more
Terika McCall
Amanda Levi
Mary Peng Research Assistant Headshot
Mary Peng
Research Assistant Headshot
Kristal Zhou
Meera Research Assistant Headshot
Meera Swaminath
Vignesh Hari Krishnan Research Affiliate Headshot
Vignesh Harikrishnan
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App Development . Mental Health
Black American women’s attitudes toward seeking mental health services and use of mobile technology to support the management of anxietyLearn more
Terika McCall
Research Affiliate Headshot
Holly R. Tomlin
Meagan Research Affiliate Headshot
Meagan Foster
Mental Health
Attitudes Toward Seeking Mental Health Services and Mobile Technology to Support the Management of Depression Among Black American Women: Cross-Sectional Survey StudyLearn more
Terika McCall
Meagan Research Affiliate Headshot
Meagan Foster
Mental Health . COVID . Social Media
Seeking and Providing Social Support on Twitter for Trauma and Distress During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Content and Sentiment AnalysisLearn more
Terika McCall
Heejun Kim
Community-based Participatory Research . Natural Language Processing
Toward Community-Based Natural Language Processing (CBNLP): Cocreating With Communities

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Terika McCall, Co-author from CHIL
App Development
Personal Health Libraries for People Returning From Incarceration: Protocol for a Qualitative Study

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Terika McCall
Data Visualization . Usability Testing
Towards reducing health information inequities in the Caribbean: the Eastern Caribbean Health Outcomes Research Network data sharing platform usability study

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Terika McCall
App Development . Mental Health . Usability Testing
Development of a mobile app to support self-management of anxiety and depression in African American women: usability study

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Terika McCall
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Social Media . Mental Health
Content and Social Network Analyses of Depression-related Tweets of African American College Students

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Terika McCall
Heejun Kim
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App Development . Mental Health
Recommendations for design of a mobile application to support management of anxiety and depression among Black American women

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Terika McCall