
Vignesh Hari Krishnan, M.Arch

UI UX Designer
Projects: WellSis and Personal Health Libraries for Formerly Incarcerated Individuals (PerHL)
Program: Master of Architecture II, 22' Yale School of Architecture
Vignesh Harikrishnan is a Post-professional Graduate student at the School of Architecture at Yale. Before Yale, Vignesh started "Platform" in Chennai as a forum for ideas that needed a stage to discuss in 2017 since they have been engaging with UNHCR to study the Refugee crisis in India and with the Directorate of Social Defence in designing participatory toolkits for management of Commons in the Peri-Urban Chennai.

His works have been published in Archdaily and Architizer, Drawing Matter, Yale Retrospecta 45. He had been invited to present his thesis in Amman, Trichy and Chennai. Named the Frederick T. Ahlson Scholarship recipient, 2020-22, and the Dean Merit Scholarship at Yale, Vignesh holds a gold medal from his Undergraduate degree. He taught at Yale as a Teaching Fellow at the School of Architecture and a CCAM studio fellow and CBEY 2050 Fellow. He was also the Storyteller and the designer at for the Office of International Students and Scholars at Yale.

Vignesh now focuses on Behaviroual health and wellness as a Product designer at Vitality Group, Chicago
Fun Fact
We designed a Moss Helmet for space :)
Vignesh Hari Krishnan Research Affiliate Headshot