
Meera Swaminath

Research Assistant
Projects: Personal Health Libraries for Formerly Incarcerated Individuals (PerHL) and Development of a Community Responsive Digital Health Tool for Diabetic Retinopathy Screening
Program: Yale School of Public Health - Master of Public Health, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Meera Swaminath is a current Horstmann Scholar at Yale University, pursuing a Master of Public Health (2023). Previously, Meera graduated from the University of California, San Diego (UC San Diego, 2020) with a Bachelor of Science in Public Health and honors in the highest distinction. Prior to graduate school, Meera worked in technology consulting and plans to work in strategy consulting upon graduation. Meera is very passionate about how digital health tools can positively impact the health of vulnerable communities. At CHIL, she is working on projects in the fields of minority health and diabetic retinopathy. In addition to her work at CHIL, Meera conducts research on Type 1 Diabetes under the Yale School of Medicine’s Center for Medical Informatics, represents the Yale School of Public Health as a Yale Graduate Senator, and works on life sciences ventures as a Technology Marketing Associate at Yale’s venture capital firm, Yale Ventures.
Fun Fact
Meera loves to sing, and is a member of the Yale South Asian A Capella Team: Avaaz and the Yale Indian Classical Music Team: Dhvani.
Meera Research Assistant Headshot